New T-Shirts
T-shirts are $20 and will need to be order by October 17, 2023 by 11:59PM to be received. Please click here to order.
Bear Crewnecks
These come in Baby blue and Forest Green, featuring a bear dressed in a lab coat with a shirt that says “BMSA” on it.
These crewnecks are extremely comfortable and are currently $30. If you would like one, please fill out the order form.
Unfortunately, we are currently sold out of navy blue crewnecks. Please check back for updates on supply.
Tote bags are $10 each. Proceeds go toward our biannual mission trip!
Please fill out the tote bag order form here.
BMSA’s Rio Grande Valley mission trip shirts are $10 each!
Please remember to include your Baylor email when filling out the order form.
BMSA Stickers
Images coming soon! We have some amazing stickers for you to purchase and put on your laptop, water bottle, or whatever and represent BMSA.
If you want to get your hands on some of these cool stickers, please fill out the order forms below.
$2 BMSA Sticker order form $10 BMSA Sticker Sheet order form